Solar Panels

Photovoltaic solar modules convert light energy to direct-current electrical energy. They are designed for outdoor use. Modules may be ground mounted, mounted on roof tops, vehicles or boats.

Each module comes with a permanently attached junction. We can provide fitted cables for ease of installation if desired.

Polycrystalline panels are slightly cheaper but have lower efficiency rates than Monocrystalline panels and produce less power per square foot.

Polycrystalline panels also tend to have lower heat tolerance than monocrystalline solar panels and perform slightly worse in high temperatures. They are also less efficient in low-light conditions.

At Onboard Energy, we provide expert advice, guidance and support to help you enhance any experience with off-grid energy. Our specialist team are on hand to handle the installation process for you, making it as hassle-free as possible. Simply contact us today to learn more.

Monocrystalline PV Panels

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Monocrystalline Solar Panel Kits

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Polycrystalline PV Panels

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